Seersucker Day

Happy Seersucker Day, everyone! What is Seersucker, you ask? Why does it have a day to itself? Let me have Wikipedia explain it to you. I’m here to tell you how I wear this stuff.

Right off the bat, I can tell you that living in the Bay Area means that I don’t really get to wear much seersucker. Karl the Fog keeps things nice and cool for us here, so we never really have to worry about dressing for warm weather. That said, there are days when the weather feels right and a guy just wants to feel a bit dandier than usual.

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Check out this sweet seersucker suit I’ve arranged neatly on my living room floor.

The most common form of seersucker suit (at least, the type I see most often) is this light version, kinda like the Haspel suit you see up there. With a super-light suit like this I like to add contrast using darker accessories. That’s why you see the dark brown shoes and the navy blue tie and pocket square.

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Same suit, different tones. Colorful tie bar – orange you glad?

The good thing about the neutral tone of this particular seersucker suit is that I can put a lot of different colors against it. Up here, I go with some earthy browns and oranges.

Ultimately, when it comes to wearing a light seersucker suit like this one, I think it’s better to keep the rest of the pieces a bit more on the subdued side. After all, seersucker grabs quite enough attention already, so it’s best to let it do all the talking. Unless, of course, you wanna go super dandy, like what I did in the top chestie.

Hardy Amies’s Seersucker suit, over at Gilt. I would advise against buttoning both buttons on your suit jacket, though. Silly model guy.

If the whole light seersucker suit thing isn’t your, uh, thing, you can always go with a darker alternative. It works kinda like a regular suit except lighter in weight, and with more texture. So I guess it’s kinda like a Summer version of corduroy. Seersucker suits in a solid navy like this one up here are easier to wear with your usual shirt and tie getup.

Anyway, that’s my take on seersucker suits. They’re obviously not for everyone, but when worn properly they can look pretty damn cool.

“When can I wear one”, you ask? I dunno, whenever you want, if the weather permits. Probably not during an interview though. Or a funeral. Or during a business meeting. Or to sleep. Or out camping.

Anyway, Happy Seersucker Day, urrbody! Seer [later], suckers!


Mobile Blogging (Work in Progress)

I’m new here.

This blog is still very much a work in progress. I still don’t know yet what to put here, to be honest. I’ve got a few ideas here and there but those ideas are too time-consuming to implement, and I am too lazy busy to implement them.

Anyway, if you’ve got some ideas for this blog, let me know. I’m happy to take any and all suggestions.

Also, “blogging” may not be the correct term for this thing, since it’s really not full-on content or anything. Let’s call this “mobile blogging”.

Shawl Wars Part 1


Check out this sweet shawl-collared sweater! Picked up this bad boy from The Brooklyn Circus over on The Fillmore. They had 60% off going on so I couldn’t help but get in on this sweet shawl action. It’s still kinda big on me (Small doesn’t fit Extra Small people like myself), so I’m gonna try shrinking it a bit in the dryer. Let’s see how it goes.